PetsConnect welcomes fosters
Would you like to help?



We understand not everyone can foster. 
 It's hard to give up an animal that has been in your home, woven it's way into your heart and one that you have put time and love into every day! 
But, consider this, every animal you foster is one more animal that ends up finding his or her forever home!  Hearing from the families that adopt your foster make the hard work worthwhile!
Every animal in our program comes from a shelter.  Every animal must be approved before entering our program.  You have a say in what animals you foster -- you can foster the animals that fit into your lifestyle. 
PetsConnect! provides the medical, the food, and other needed items. 
 The foster family provides the general daily care, is responsible for transporting the animal to and from the vet as needed as well as to and from adoption events and working as part of a team to place the animal in it's forever home.

If you think you would like to foster (and live in the vicinity of PetsConnect) please fill out an application!


Please email to request an application at


What is a foster?

Those who foster homeless animals are amazing!
They re-arrange their lives and homes to respond to a call for help - a call that comes at anytime, a call that needs immediate response and action.
They open their homes only to have puppy poop on their floor, to have chewed table legs and a house that is not always perfect smelling.
They are amazing people for they are willing and they do loose sleep to puppies that are crying at 3am for food and a mama that is not there, to have their soiled bed cleaned and to be talked to and soothed back to sleep.
They are amazing people for they offer love and hard work to care for animals that have been cast away.
They are amazing people for they then, with a heart full of love, hand these puppies and kittens, dogs and cats over to their new owners!
A foster is a brave person with a lot of love to give.